Im no expert on the subject but I think that you are mistaken in thinking apple would be worse off. Hollywood showed this year with Top Gun that you can sell a hugely successful movie while getting 0 support from China. The same I think is true in other markets. Everyone is so afraid of losing the business but no one seems to be asking what are we losing by staying (other than the moral high ground).

To that point perhaps there are financial reasons apple and frankly the whole world should cut off china until the government is replaced. I think the answer is yes. I have worked for a few companies that did manufacturing in China and it always blew my mind how much money we lose trying to save a few bucks.

Were the parts cheeper, yes. But they were worse, WAY worse. Quality was out the door and so right away the cost goes up a little. Then there were logistical issues. China was fumbling this long before COVID and we often had unplanned shortages. Sometimes due to poor quality parts, sometimes due to crappy shipping or communication of the part of the vendors, and often due to holidays (that were always as we would find out a cover for worker unrest). So the price of the good goes up again. Then there is the outright theft of intellectual property. We had to get parts made be different vendors so they would not know what we were making. We had sometimes parts only half made ten shipped somewhere else to be finished. Still we had a huge problem with our ideas being copied and sometimes we would see Chinese competition produce OUR new designs before we would even get ours.

All of this adds cost to doing business there and it blew my mind that no one at our company was taking a look at these in total to decide where we should get parts. The only discussion was about price. No one would even consider that leaving china would not only be a morally correct choice but likely a financial one too. The more companies wake up to this and move manufacturing elsewhere the cheeper that manufacturing will get too.

American manufacturing my be expensive but you get a better quality product, do not have to worry about logistics, do not have to worry about intellectual theft AND the more that we use it the cheeper it will get. Some of why it is so expensive is there is no need for it so there is no market. Supply and demand. Sure demand is low but supply is non existent.

We are at an important time, college enrollment is down with men. Now is the perfect time to promote and build out the great American manufacturing industry that got us here today. Companies and consumers will be better off financially and morally. So to will the Chinese people be better off because this may give them the push they need to free themselves from the slavery they have endured for the last 100 years.

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